LP Recorder Version 5.0

© 2000-2005 CFB Software
Last Updated 21 Jun 2005

E-Mail:   info@cfbsoftware.com
Website:   http://www.cfbsoftware.com


  1. Overview
  2. Minimum System Requirements
  3. Installation
  4. Documentation
  5. Special Upgrade Offer
  6. List of Files
  7. Licence Agreement
  8. Disclaimer

1. Overview

To record a vinyl LP to convert to a CD or group of MP3 files you need to use a WAV file recorder to store the recording as a digital WAV format file on your hard disk. Most general purpose WAV editors can be used for recording but they are packed with functions, many of which the average user would never use. They tend to be complicated and time-consuming to configure and use.

In contrast, LP Recorder has been designed with one purpose in mind - to record vinyl LPs. Connect the tape or line output from your stereo to the line input of your soundcard, enter a filename, select the recording input and press the record button. 

Additionally, LP Recorder can be used to record from virtually any sound source that you can connect to your line-input. It has successfully been used to record tapes, cassettes, MiniDiscs, VCR soundtracks, radio programs etc. etc.


Special features of LP Recorder suited to recording vinyl, tapes etc. are:

  1. Automatically adjusts optimum recording levels to avoid distortion
  2. Auto Stop for unattended operation
  3. Visual level meter can be used to check recording levels before AND during recording
  4. Level meters display even if your soundcard does not include the meter feature
  5. Large volume slider with numeric values for precise settings
  6. Skip and clip prevention and detection
  7. The remaining recording time, based on the free space on your disk, is displayed
  8. The recorded file is ready for further processing as soon as the recording has finished
  9. Integrated soundcard selection and configuration
  10. Produces a time-saving LP Ripper-compatible tracks (TRK) file

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2. Minimum System Requirements

  1. MS Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP
  2. Intel 233 Mhz Pentium processor
  3. 800x600 SVGA display
  4. Windows compatible mouse
  5. A soundcard compatible with the standard Windows Mixer / Volume control and capable of recording CD-format (16-bit, stereo, 44.1Khz) WAV files
  6. At least 300Mb Free disk space (for approx. 30 Minutes' WAV storage)

A suitable cable to connect the tape-out of your stereo amplifier to the line-in of your soundcard.

NOTE: Some computers, particularly Laptop and Notebook models, have integrated audio chips with limited recording capabilities. Some of these are even restricted to mono microphone input. Use the trial version of LP Recorder to make sure that your computer has adequate facilities to produce satisfactory recordings.

If you are recording LPs or cassettes, you will find LP Ripper useful. It automatically splits a large WAV file recorded from one side of an LP into separate tracks. LP Ripper is also developed by CFB Software.

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3. Installation

LP Recorder is distributed as a self-installing file lrsetup.exe

Install LP Recorder as follows:

  1. Press the Windows Start button and select Run from the Start Menu.
  2. Type the full name of the file (for example, C:\temp\lrsetup.exe)
  3. Press the Enter key, and follow the prompts.
  4. When the installation program completes you can run LP Recorder by selecting it from the Windows Start menu.

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4. Documentation

All of the documentation is contained in the online Help file. When running LP Recorder, press the F1 key for context-sensitive help or select Help from the menu.

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5. Special Upgrade Offer

5.1 Free Magazine Cover CD Version

This free version is only licenced to be used by by purchasers of the edition of the magazine in which it was included. It has a built-in registration code which is not valid for other versions of LP Recorder.

This version is not transferable and must not be given away to anyone, included on CD-ROM libraries, uploaded to WWW pages, ftp sites and bulletin boards or distributed in any other way.

There is no technical support available for this version.

5.2 Special Offer

You can upgrade to the latest version, V7.0, of LP Recorder or the LP Ripper / LP Recorder Combo for 20% off the regular price! Go to the special upgrade page at:


For summaries of the new features see:

What's New in LP Recorder V6

What's New in LP Recorder V7

If you upgrade you will also be eligible for free email technical support for the current version.

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6. List of Files

The LP Recorder package installation program is a single file called lrsetup.exe 

After running lrsetup the following files are created in the directory that you specified:

LPRecorder.exe   Main program
LPRecorder.chm   Help file
LPRecorderTrace.txt   Empty trace file
ReadMe.htm   This file
UNWISE.EXE   Uninstall support file
INSTALL.LOG   Installation log

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7. Licence Agreement

You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this licence agreement and disclaimer.

Magazine Cover CD Version

This copy of LP Ripper was included on a magazine cover CD. It is only licenced for use by the person who the magazine was purchased for.

This version is not transferable and must not be given away to anyone, included on CD-ROM libraries, uploaded to WWW pages, ftp sites and bulletin boards or distributed in any other way.

Music Copyright

LP Recorder must not be used in any way which would contravene any music copyright laws applicable to the user.

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8. Disclaimer

LP Recorder is used entirely at the risk of the user. Although great care has been taken to eliminate defects during the development of LP Recorder, it is not claimed to be fault-free. No claims are made regarding its correctness, reliability or fitness for any particular purpose. The Author shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages, loss of data or personal injury in connection with furnishing, performance, or use of this material.

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